April 2021

Your Best Poem So Far

How is your National Poetry Writing Month going? Have you written or read (or both!) a lot of poetry this month? I started strong but have fallen off a bit lately due to my state's legislative season taking a lot of my time as an activist. April always seems like such a busy month!

Your Slowest Turnaround

Any bookworm knows that there's no race to read a good book. Unless you're avoiding spoilers, I highly recommend taking your time and savoring a book, which can be difficult! How many times have some of us read through a gripping novel only to realize that it's already over before we're ready for it to be?

Croissant Critter

A woman who called animal control over a croissant she mistook for a weird animal sitting in a tree for two days is all over the Internet right now, and all I can do is feel solidarity with her. The woman, who is from Krakow, Poland, called Krakow Society for the Protection of Animals when not only she but the whole neighborhood worried about the creature. 

Does Your Cat Love You?

The whole idea that dogs love their owners while cats merely tolerate them has always smelled of baloney to me. I've had cats that were so affectionate they were my best friends. While I do know some cats who merely tolerate humans, the majority of cats that I've had over the years have been incredibly loving and I don't need anyone to tell me how I know. Their snuggles, purrs, and companionship told me everything. My best friend, a cat who died two years ago, would snuggle me every time I was in pain, laying against the spot that hurt.

Hydration Tips

Whether you're dehydrated like so many people who don't even realize it or just want to make sure you keep up on your fluids while you're out having a good time, it's kind of amazing how we, as humans, often fail to take care of ourselves. It's not hard in a busy world full of obligations; we may still be animals deep down, but it's very easy to ignore our needs when we have so much--and often so many others--to care for.

Some really great hydration tips I've learned recently include:

The South Park/Family Guy Feud

A fight isn't really a feud when one side ignores the other side, right? That's what Trey Parker and Matt Stone say about Family Guy. Their hatred of the show runs deep and stems from their lack of respect for it, but they also say they don't know anyone who works there so it's not some personal beef. They also say that Family Guy staff are paid more and don't make a peep about them in return because they're just not on their radar.

Tinnitus Relief

As a teenager, my then-boyfriend and I saw a commercial for a tinnitus relief product and scoffed. Why would your ears ringing be such a big deal that you would need medicine to deal with it? Karma got me for that one. I've now had tinnitus for almost two years and I can confirm that it can drive you nearly insane. I've even read about people who take their own lives because of it. Mine is always there, and it gets louder when I'm stressed or anxious.

More UFO News

They're not UFOs anymore; they're UAPs, or Unidentified Aerial Phenomena. But they definitely exist. Last year the Pentagon confirmed that leaked footage from the Navy was indeed of UAPs, and that a task force has been created to learn more about this phenomena. It's got plenty of people thinking about their loved ones (or even themselves) being ignored or even made fun of for reporting similar sightings over the years.

Bowling Ball Crafts

In our local Freecycle group I saw someone looking for a bowling ball this morning. My teen has a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle ball he had custom made years ago. When you join our local leagues, you can get one at the end of the league (or a pair of shoes, a bag, etc.). It's long since been outgrown and I thought we could give it to this person, but then I figured it would be too small for an adult's needs.

Witchy Vibes

Witchy stuff is in right now big time and I'm loving it. My inner child is a little jealous, just like she was jealous when the Marvel franchise got big with the movies while she hid her comics in her textbooks as a kid. She also learned to hide her tarot cards, given to her by her beloved grandmother when she was 10 years old, and Book of Shadows when people started calling her a "devil worshipper" (once a little girl while I was making her food!). Many of today's witches aren't hiding; they are trending on Tiktok!
