January 2022

Frog Idioms Used in Language

As much as we love frogs, we need to acknowledge how frequently they are used as negative images or idiomatic expressions. There was the whole ugly Pepe the frog thing, which is just not cool. Frogs don't want to be Pepe. Stop using them. Then there's the fact that we say there is a frog in our throat when we are hoarse, which is just silly. Frogs aren't hoarse and sound magnificent. Dust in the throat is a much more accurate description.

Maya Angelou to Appear on U.S. Quarter

After the controversy over putting Harriet Tubman on U.S. money, it's hard to decide whether or not it's an honor. Yes, we need more representation across the board, but on the symbol of capitalism that harms everyone--Black folks in particular--it may not seem as much of a place of reverence as, say, a statue or naming a school after someone. What are you thoughts regarding whether or not being placed on money is really an honor or not?

Family Guy Socks

Character socks are such a fun way to celebrate a favorite fandom, and so many fandoms offer everything from a variety of socks to countdowns featuring favorite characters these days. Family Guy is no different, and they have plenty of various socks to choose from for fans who enjoy shoving Brian, Peter and Stewie into their socks!

Big Anti-Choice Protest Planned for Next Week

Of course the folks who claim they are "pro-life" by fighting for fetuses rather than the people who carry them--or on behalf of the millions of impoverished kids who could use their help--would think that holding a super spreader event like a giant anti-choice march during a pandemic is a great idea. Next week anti-choicers are planning to do just that even as we face the biggest numbers we've seen and hospitals ask folks to please stay home.

Gardening in Bags

Gardening does not have to be complex. Any weed thriving in the middle of a sidewalk will tell you that. There are finicky plants that demand more attention here and there, but overall you can grow beans in Ziploc bags and be successful. Most of us can attest to that after elementary year experiments doing just that!

Great Dessert Teas for National Tea Month

It's National Tea Month, which means it's time to try out all the dessert teas! There may not be time to try them all, but there are certainly many flavors to try out. Folks who don't even like tea are often surprised by how much they love an Arnold Palmer, or tea mixed with lemonade. Southern Breeze teas make tea lovers out of many non-tea drinkers, too.

Happy National Hot Tea Day!

National Hot Tea Day is here, and it's time to celebrate the lovely warming drink that inspires conversations, helps us enjoy hygge and generally creates a cozy sensation in the body. Hot tea is my way of winding down after a long day and there are so many ways to celebrate! Here are just a few ideas.

Brew up your favorite tea and enjoy it! For a twist, try adding in a dash of flavor syrup, making it a latte, sprinkling in an herb for some kick--maybe cinnamon, ginger or even some cayenne? 

National Wildlife Federation Photo Contest Open For Submissions

The National Wildlife Federation is hosting its annual Wildlife Photo Contest, which has several different categories that are sure to interest people of all interests and most age groups. The idea is not just to help increase conservation awareness, but to connect folks--both photographers and viewers--with nature and wildlife. Categories include Birds, Landscapes, Baby Animals, Mammals, Young Photographers, Mobile and more!

This "Cat Dog" Is So Cute

Hopefully, by now people know cat-dog hybrids don't really exist, but if they did they would probably look like Dúi, the adorable Hmong dog that folks across the Internet are dubbing a "cat-dog." Dúi is unique since he's actually a mixed breed between a Hmong and a different short-legged breed, but the dog, who was bought from a mountainous area in Vietnam, may also have a gene mutation that makes him even shorter, cuter and more catlike.

Canada Still Allows the Import of Domestic Cat Fur

It's horrifying to think of someone wearing cat or dog fur or using it for products, but there are countries all over the world who do it--Canada included. The nation allows the import of both domestic cat and dog fur, and for the fur to be sold as pelts alongside those of seals. The Canadian government heavily relies on the sale of baby seal fur, and they don't want anything to jeopardize that--including restrictions on dog and cat fur.

Cozy Cup Recipes

Cooking in a mug is popular these days, and it makes plenty of sense. So many folks are at home working, and mug recipes are designed to be quick and easy. If you can't go out for lunch, why not microwave a mug? The kinds of mug recipes that I'm used to making are usually of the dessert variety, but I have made eggs in a mug before. They're much easier and less messy on the stove, but some people really like making them in mugs instead.
